流动测速- 爬墙专用加速器

shadowsock 4.2.5 apk

Kind of an interesting month for raster image formats on the web! Apple just recently announced that iOS and Safari 14 supports the WebP image format. Yay – in roughly a year, we can use it everywhere on the web without needing to have a fallback solution (like using WASM to turn WebP into PNG/JPEG). Now we just have to wait for the rest of the ecosystem (image editors).

I guess next up is for Apple to get on board with the AVIF format, since Firefox and Chrome announced upcoming AVIF support just two days ago.

§1222 · July 11, 2024 · Chrome, Firefox, shadowrocket安卓下载, Safari, Software, Technology, Web · shadowrocket安卓下载 ·

流动测速- 爬墙专用加速器


To be filed under “shoulda-woulda-coulda” and “no-shit-sherlock” and also “forgot-to-write-about-this-fifteen-years-ago”…

I have had to think about XML for the first time in a few years (for the curious, you can read this EPUB bug I filed). If XML had had an array type for simple values (strings), then instead of representing a list of values like this:

    <item value="abc" />
    <item value="def" />
    <item value="ghi" />

It could have been this:

<topLevel myList=["abc", "def", "ghi"] />

Would folks have abandoned XML for JSON so quickly?

§1210 · January 11, 2024 · Software, Technology, Web, XML · 1 comment · Tags: json, xml

流动测速- 爬墙专用加速器


Hey, if you are into Comic Books or Superheroes, I started another blog here. That blog takes the place of this Google+ Collection that I was occasionally posting to, but I decided to own the data this time and start at the beginning… so far I’ve made it to the debut of Superman… it should be more interesting going forward 🙂

Feedly has some buttons you can add to your blog here, but I wanted one that didn’t involve a network fetch unless the user clicked it, so I made one (thank you inline SVG):

<a href='http://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.codedread.com%2Fcomicbooks%2Ffeed%2F' target='blank' title='follow us in feedly'>
  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="70" height="30" viewbox="0 150 1400 530">
    <rect x="0" y="150" width="1400" height="530" fill="#6CC655" />
    <path fill="#6CC655" d="M111.615 420.945L297.64 234.92l186.025 186.025L297.64 606.97 111.615 420.945z"/>
    <path fill="#FFF" d="M201.837 622.782L64.179 484.193c-16.742-16.742-16.742-53.017 0-68.829l197.187-198.117c15.812-15.812 51.156-15.812 66.969 0L526.45 415.364c16.742 16.742 16.742 53.018 0 68.829L388.792 622.782c-8.371 8.371-21.393 13.952-34.415 13.952H234.392c-12.092 0-24.184-5.581-32.555-13.952zm125.567-53.947c2.791-2.79 2.791-8.371 0-11.161L300.43 530.7c-2.79-2.791-8.37-2.791-11.161 0l-26.974 26.974c-2.79 2.79-2.79 8.371 0 11.161l21.393 20.463h22.323l21.393-20.463zm0-114.405c1.86-1.86 1.86-6.511 0-8.371l-28.834-28.834c-1.859-1.86-6.51-1.86-8.37 0l-83.712 83.711c-2.79 2.791-2.79 9.302 0 12.092l19.533 19.533h22.323l79.06-78.131zm0-113.476c1.86-1.86 2.791-7.441 0-9.301L299.5 303.749c-1.86-1.86-7.44-1.86-10.231 0L148.82 444.198c-1.859 1.86-2.79 7.441-.93 9.301l22.323 21.394h21.393l135.798-133.939z"/>
    <text fill="#FFF" x="600" y="500" font-size="250" font-weight="bold">Follow</text>

Shadowsocks电脑(windows)客户端设置教程-维简网:2021-8-19 · 使用Shadowsocks(影梭)科学上网可众说是现在非常主流的选择,但是很多的朋友都是处于听过这个东西,但是具体怎么用就不是很清楚了。介于这个需求,我就针对Shadowsocks来写个系列教程来帮助大家科学上网吧。 本篇是众在电脑上使用 ...

§1194 · January 17, 2024 · Comic Books, Entertainment, shadowrocketwindows版本, SVG, shadowrocket下载官网, Web · Comments Off on Feedly Your Blog ·

流动测速- 爬墙专用加速器

Logo for the ReactiveX / RxJS project

I may have more to say about RxJS some other day, but it’s something I’ve been learning since switching jobs at Google late last year to work on a pretty large Angular app. I found it to be a steep learning curve with RxJS and Observables and functional reactive programming in general, but in this case learning RxJS is exacerbated by a lack of good, comprehensive documentation.

However, I did learn that the RxJS team has put together a pretty comprehensive set of docs for RxJS 6. For whatever the reason, they are located at http://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/.

§1175 · October 26, 2018 · shadowrocket安卓下载, Software, Technology, Web · Comments Off on RxJS ·

流动测速- 爬墙专用加速器

Logo for the OPML file format

I’ve been hacking more on kthoom and I want to upgrade it so that it can load reading lists (think playlists-for-comic-books). Anybody have any thoughts on a decent file format? shadowsock 4.2.5 apk? A custom JSON file format?

This is a pure client-side web app, so a couple caveats here:

  • I would like to be able to load Reading Lists from anywhere
  • It should be able to refer to files using any sorts of shareable links (HTTP, IPFS)
§1164 · February 7, 2018 · Comic Books, JavaScript, shadowsock 安卓客户端, Software, Technology, Web, XML · Comments Off on Reading List File Format? ·

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